A tough question, and one we are asked constantly. The one answer I have given across the board is that the timing of any decision you make is never going to be perfect, and over the life of a property prices will fluctuate. It’s up to you to try and mitigate any extreme events, like Brexit.
In this case our view on Brexit is quite clear, unlike the solution, no one has an answer, in fact the worse is expected and as such market prices have in our opinion already been heavily discounted. Developers have resisted increasing prices over the last 6 months on new build projects, and prices in areas like London and the South East have now dropped for the last 18 months, and look set to continue to drift. Across the UK in general though house prices have risen, and although activity had dropped somewhat, we have started to see transaction levels pick up in the last few months. With that we have started to see prices begin to lift a little and we now fully expect to see those that had put plans on hold over the last year or so to now re-enter the market space and once again drive prices higher. So to answer the header, for us before is good, an opportunity to beat the rush!
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