Investing in the UK Property Market as a Non Resident

As an investor from outside the UK, your main consideration when buying property in the UK is the exchange rate and where it is relative to your own local currency. Over the last 18 months since the Brexit vote, sterling has dropped in value, and it has been this move that has led to a […]

Bitcoin Vs. Property: Where Should You Invest YOUR Money?

Over the last few months, everyone I talk to seems to bring up Crypto currency, and more specifically the term Bitcoin. This all started last October, when all of a sudden the price of a bitcoin made a dramatic leap in value, offering any lucky investor at the time phenomenal rewards. Let’s put some numbers […]

8 Steps: Getting Started in The Buy to Let Market

We know that investing in property can be a daunting prospect to those that are looking to become an investor. If you are thinking about investing in your first property, you will need to set up a plan as to how to start. We have listed our top 8 steps to getting started in the […]

Is the End near for the Buy to Let Market?

The last year or so has been difficult for the buy to let investor, and whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the market, it would have been tough to keep up with the raft of reforms that have been placed on the buy to let sector. The list is large and although […]

When to Set up a Limited Company When Investing in Property

With​ ​all​ ​the​ ​latest​ ​changes​ ​in​ ​the​ ​BTL​ ​market​ ​it​ ​is​ ​often​ ​muted​ ​that​ ​it​ ​would​ ​be​ ​better​ ​as​ ​a landlord​ ​to​ ​set​ ​up​ ​a​ ​limited​ ​company​ ​as​ ​these​ ​structures​ ​are​ ​not​ ​affected​ ​by​ ​the​ ​changes. The​ ​changes​ ​we​ ​refer​ ​to​ ​are​ ​the​ ​implementation​ ​of​ ​a​ ​Stamp​ ​duty​ ​surcharge​ ​of​ ​3%​ ​over​ ​and above​ ​the​ […]

9 Reasons to Invest in PBSA

We share our 9 quick-fire reasons as to why you should consider investing in Purpose-Built Student Accommodation, and how it could in fact be more beneficial than your typical residential investment.. 1. Great ROC with yields typically outstripping the residential buy-to-let market. 2. PBSA attracts no Stamp duty. 3. Low cost of entry typically associated […]

The Property Investor’s Guide To: Self-Managing A Property

Many property investors believe that the only way to earn high returns and deal in a risk-free property investment is to manage their property themselves. However, in reality, in order to earn a higher income, it is strongly advised to have an agent manage your property for you. There are several reasons why this is the […]